Vlad the Destroyer Shawl

Nov 13: Cast on, finished setup chart, started main body.

Nov 14: Hit a wee snag. Got to row 7 of main body chart and the number of stitches on the chart didn’t match what was on my needles before the marker. Thanks to reading through the forums for the Scary Lace knit-a-long, I realized that this project is not “marker friendly”.

Markers need to “move” on rows 7, 9 and 11, so I suggest not using them at all. Just use one to mark the absentee “centre” stitch, so you can check to make sure everything is properly mirrored on both sides, but it’s best to just count this one.

The “extra” 6th stitch from row 5 becomes part of the ssk of the red-outlined pattern repeat in row 7. So, if you insist on using markers, this is how row 7 would proceed for you: k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, PM, begin pattern repeat (moving extra stitch from row 5 to the left of the marker).

Nov 15: Moving along well now that I’ve divorced myself from all but one central marker. Finished two repeats of main chart, hoping to complete up to four tonight, but I’ve started drinking wine, so we’ll see…

Apr 01: Should not have taken this long to finish, but I set it down for several months, went to Thailand, and started the process of selling my condo, so give a girl a break. Bound off with super-stretchy bind off (backwards YO between every st), blocked out it is very nice. Purple colour worked well. 🙂

Audiobook: Listened to lots of Dorothy L. Sayers while knitting this, including “Five Red Herrings”, “Strong Poison” and “Have His Carcase” – on and off, not all three right through!.

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