Goal Post-mortem

Re-reading naive and overambitious weekend goals, it hit me that I must imagine myself living in a state of suspended animation between tasks, wherein I never require sleep, food, or recuperation time from blinding headaches that hit me out of the blue. Which is not entirely accurate.
Nonetheless, I managed to do the following:

– Shave legs? Check! Legs now shorn. Am no longer sasquatch.
– Polish toes? Not so much. Glamour must wait for next week.
– Buy caulking and finish trim? Check! (, I felt your pain at the Canadian Tire, telling a male employee I needed “caulk”)
– Sand and paint stairwell? Absolutely not. Didn’t even start.
– Read 40 pages of ‘Brideshead Revisited’ on Friday? Check!
– Finish book by end of weekend? Did not manage. Am 50 pages in.
– Get to bed by 10:45pm? Ha ha ha ha no.
– Answer door on Sat. morning dressed with pot of tea brewing? Was actually still in shower, tea made by JVL.
– Tennyson’s ‘In Memoriam’? Bitten into! In fact, read half of.
– Acquire reasonably-priced copy of ‘Grosse Point Blank’? Check! At Future Shop! For $11.99! Warning: DVD is now OUT OF PRINT.
– Visit Dad? Check and it was a great visit, too. Hurrah!

So, all in all, not a bad weekend for productivity.

Glenda came by on Friday to hang out and she and JVL played lots of ‘Resident Evil 4’ on the GameCube, which is too, too frightening. I seriously cannot watch it any more, due to the oppressively terrifying music that sounds like a panicked heartbeat being hammered out on a steel drum, and the sneaky zombies who blend seamlessly with the environment until they sneak up behind you in large groups and try to maim and eat you, or impale you with pitchforks or throw dynamite at you or freaking CUT YOUR HEAD OFF WITH A CHAINSAW. God. I just can’t find that sort of thing relaxing on a Friday night. And yet, as with TechTV, I often cannot look away. Anyhow, they played for a while, and then I had a headache so Glenda drove to Shoppers to get me some Advil and I wrote off the rest of the evening.

Saturday was spent with my Mum, touring around used CD shops in search of GPB, which we did not find, and me buying a silly number of other things instead, including box set #2 & 4 of MST3K (Mystery Science Theatre), and ‘Yes, Prime Minister’ and ‘Splash’ and ‘Tank Girl’. What can I say, I’m a consumer slut. We also visited Dad, who was in good spirits probably due to the sunny weather, and he ate well which was heartening for both Mum and I. I had a long nap to pre-emptively do away with further headacheage, and we ate curry and had a glass of sherry each. Very civilized afternoon. Mum had a brief flurry of getting very excited about the prospect of emptying her kitchen cupboards of various objects to send them over to the new condo, but I had to tell her to stop discussing it as a done deal, lest she jinx the whole thing. Still, it’s good to know that I won’t have to worry about whether or not there will be toilet paper for the new place if and when I take possession. Final appointment with bank tomorrow at lunch. Will update later.

Sunday Justin cooked breakfast and Dan came by and Justin’s Mum came by and we went shopping for caulk and while I was in Canadian Tire, Justin went and bought the brand-new ultra-thin network-capable dvd-playing PlayStation2. Which is tiny. Ridiculously tiny. Like, I’m worried I’ll be dusting one day and I’ll sweep it into the pan by accident and it will be gone. Sitting on the media console next to the TV and the XBox and the subwoofer, it looks like it was hit by a shrinking ray. Especially when you compare it to the old PS2. The controllers are almost bigger than the box. Oh, and it would be negligent to leave out the fact that the new Popeye’s Chicken & Biscuits at the end of our street is now open and we bought some and ate it on Sunday and I am going to become so obese oh boo hoo hoo woe is me…

This must be how people felt when the first handheld personal calculators came out in the early 1980s and people were all like “holy crap! this thing that fits in my hand can do more than all the computers at the national department of defence could do 15 years ago! what next, portable typewriters?!?!”

So yeah, that was my weekend. How was yours?

12 thoughts on “Goal Post-mortem

  1. I sneak out of the house in the middle of the night and shear branches off of your money tree. That’s how I stay solvent.
    Horticultural embezzlement.

  2. A “spider plant”. Heh. That’s what it looks like NOW. After months of nocturnal “pruning”, even the mighty oak would resemble a ragged twig.

    ps – Could you maybe toss some fertilizer into the soil, or establish a drip-line/mist watering system? I’m about to engage in a new mortgage, here.

  3. > – Buy caulking and finish trim? Check! (furrypinkcowgrl,
    > I felt your pain at the Canadian Tire, telling a male
    > employee I needed “caulk”)

    Amy likes to crochet little snowflakes as Christmas tree ornaments. There is a glue-like product that one must apply to the snowflakes in order for them to become stiff and flat. I was sent to ask a female employee at the craft store for this product, which goes by the name of “Stiffy.”

  4. ha ha ha ha ha

    *sniffle* ha ha

    Paul, just FYI, you should post more often, because I will read ANYTHING you write. Like, you could post about Amy getting a splinter and then you hunted around the house for a few minutes to find the tweezers and removed it and put some ozonol on and everything was fine, and I would be entranced. You would get a lot more amusing directed-at-you commentary if you had more of your own posts as well.

    Plus, sometimes people who are bored at work will do web research for you if you ask them, such as for obscure legal terminology, cheap airplane fares, recipies, etc. Use the power of the LJ to it’s fullest! Write your life!

  5. …you got to RELISH that shit. Moira, you walk into Canadian Tire saying “Where’s the CAULK! I need CAULK and I need it BAD and I was told I could find it here! Which one of you people is going to provide me with the CAULK that I need!? That container is too small! I need BIG CAULK!”

  6. Moira, I was just thinking the same about you. I will readly, gleefully and with relish (the dill kind, not that sweet iridescent-green nonsense), anything you write. Technical manuals, stock picks, whatever; I will read it and enjoy it.

  7. and say that if both of you, either independently, or, preferably, as a group, blew your collective noses into a page from the phonebook and posted jpgs of the results, I would gladly read, re-read, and post insightful comments.


  8. Dude! You CANNOT make me laugh at work like that. Seriously, I am going to get my ass fired if I let on that I find anything on or about or near my computer even vaguely amusing. This is covert, yo.

    Oh. Sigh. My sides hurt from holding that in.

  9. Be careful what you wish for, Dave. I have a digital camera and phonebooks at home, and I am certain Mr. A does also.

  10. “Okay people. Let me make this perfectly clear. I have an ebony colored sink. And due to bad planning, it was installed at a 45 degree angle from my wall. So this CAULK that I need has to be particularly viscous, or else it will run and drip onto the floor.

    So let it be known right now that, specifically, what I need is….”

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